Thursday 23 August 2012

Meager Moment

People say that the bathroom is where their best kind of thinking is done. That used to be the case for me. More specifically the bath- or shower if you will.

I used to love taking baths. But I realized, if I stay 
in too long, the sound of my own thoughts drown out every thing else,
that I become still, as does the water.

So still.

When movement becomes necessary the feeling of the water moving across my skin, and the sound of it all, is what snaps me out of my cluttered mind. 

I don't like leaving myself to my own thoughts. They consume me.
Today I thought that I'd treat myself to a warm bath. And I remembered you during this particular time of pruning. It was about a few months ago- I sat in your tub and you sat on the bathroom floor with your back against the wall as you read. Art of War, was it ?
I don't know.

But I do recall you said 'do you mind me reading here, love?' 

I remember I scoffed, flicked bubbles at you, and said 'Does my company bore you?'
You spoke immediately. ' Actually, naked or not I really like your company. I could always just read in my room, but I want to read beside you.' A sarcastic response was on the tip of my tongue but you gave me that crooked grin and fetched your book anyways. 

You really did read. It was endearing. I could tell by the way that you changed your position every so often to read more comfortably.

I enjoyed the silence but then my fingers started to prune and my own thoughts became too loud. 

That's when your voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

That's what I remembered today.
Damn, I just miss you.

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